Waiting and waiting and waiting for your cattleyas to bloom? Don’t worry, you are not alone. I have been one like that before. I have been waiting many years to have my cattleyas bloom, but they don’t bloom.
When I first started to collect cattleyas, it was so much fun. Just looking at the pictures of the flowers to be of my cattleyas gave me a good wake up always in the morning. Cattleya flowers are very captivating. Just look at the flower at the thumbnail of this video and you will be mesmerized. Cattleya flwoers are one of the most beuatiful flowers in the orchids species.
I tried to follow the fertilization process to make them flower but to no avail. But even though they were not flowering, they are multiplying. The number of canes are coming out continuous. That gives me another enjoying of propagating and transferring. It feels good that my favorite cattleyas are multiplying. I am getting some improvements on my cattleyas. But, still I don’t see their flowers.
I tried also not to water them all the time, but instead it gave my spider mites which I had a hard time to get rid of them. I almost lost interest in cattleyas when I got the spider mites. I lost a lot of my cattleyas. Until now, I still have some cattleyas that suffered from spider mites and they are in quarantine area.
Until one time, in a cattleya group in facebook said commented on a post where a user showed her big pot cattleya divided into five groups. He said that since he divided them, the cattleya will suffer for its loss. It is just like its a big loss to her, and she will wait a year or two to recover because of the canes taken out from her. That comment shocked me. As if it woke me up from a deep nightmare. I told to myself, that’s it! That’s the reason why my cattleyas don’t flower.
Watch this video to find out the complete story and get the secret of making your cattleya flower.