When we go to a grocery or a nursery garden, we are usually greeted with these beautiful flowers of phalaenopsis orchids and would captivate our eyes. These phalaenopsis orchids are the most popular on the entire orchids species because of their moth like flowers which are so vibrant and they come in small pot which is very compact and would fit nicely on a small planter pot.
Even Ikea or hardware stores are selling these phalaenopsis orchids. A customer who does not even have any idea of how to take of these orchids are sometime mesmerized that all of a sudden, she would pick this orchid and put it in her cart. She would be so excited to put it in her coffee table or somewhere she could always see it when she gets home.
Little to her knowledge that this orchid has a special way of taking care of it as it is not a regular houseplant. Some people would be watering this orchid everyday, and after a few days, the leaves would turn to yellow and to her disappointment, the orchid got a root rot. Or sometimes the owner would water it like a regular plant where she would put it under the shower and turn the shower to water it. Then after few days, her lovely orchid would smell bad, which it got already a crown rot.
Some buyer also are sometimes clever enough to ask or find out how to take care of it. Which usually, they are advised to just put one ice cube on the moss once a week and that would take care of the beautiful orchid. This orchid could have its flowers beautifully last for more than a month and it is a worth of a $15 purchase to see its beauty for a month.
But once, the flowers are withered, the owner would now know what to do. Some owners would just throw it away thinking that it is done and will not flower anymore and would just gonna die soon. Never have the slightest idea, this orchid could rebloom again in just a few weeks if she knows the technique on how to make it rebloom and give her again its beautiful flowers for her to enjoy for another month.
This video will demonstrate on how to make your phalaenopsis rebloom again. Please watch this video and share to your friends so you and your friends will not throw away your lovely phalaenopsis orchids every time it is done flowering.